Holiday Wishes From Me…

On this Sacred Day…
May angels soothe your soul… May blessings sprinkle upon your choices… May Grace kiss each experience… May generosity  wrap every encounter… May love hold all steps… May awareness abound in the discovery of all that is. May knowing of truth birth in each breath… Being of wisdom walk the way… Living as Love resound in each heartbeat… May humans rise to new heights where the heart and mind of greatest good prevail… May the earth only hear the laughter of children… the gentle footsteps of the natural animal kingdom… the flourishing and flowering of its own nature…
May all beings know their true power… May the clearing of consciousness dawn new skies… The vision of sunlight, hot and blazing be seen now… May we imagine the grass, the trees, the flowers… May we know children to be laughing and playing… May we see couples holding hands in outdoor cafes, lovers kissing in the park, families watching ball games… May we truly understand that our presence of fully seeing, believing and knowing collectively as an ardent prayer that is already done… May we see our sisters and brothers safe, unafraid and calm… May we not only lend helping hands but anchor thoughts, vision and creation…
May your families be held in blankets of love… Your generations flourish beyond your wildest dreams. May your legacy of love live on in the hearts of those that surround you. And.. May this Holiday be Bountiful, Blessed and Beautiful… In Love, Of Love, With Love, As Love… This is my Gift to You.