Nothing Left Behind…

Your life waits for you. It does not pass you by. It does not get left behind. It moves at the pace, pleasure and possibility of your perspective…
As a new year is embarked upon, it often sends a person into reflections of the past year and goals of the future one. Opinions and judgments about actions taken or not taken, experiences had or not had, emotions expressed or not expressed and things achieved or not achieved tend to be the measuring stick… better yet, the whip!
In those scenarios, there is an error in thinking. They come from a place of believing:

  • Something beyond who you are completes you.
  • Something is missing.
  • Something has been overlooked.
  • Time or opportunity is getting away.

But is that true?… Are you ready to live beyond the paths that wind around, and take the path straight ahead?
In looking back, or looking forward, you are split between past and future. That removes all the energy available in the moment; energy that is the most potent power. What if in this new year you allowed yourself to anchor into two words?

  • Timeless
  • Boundless

The TRUTH is… you never lose out on anything. Every experience desired can be had in any moment. Whatever needs to be returned to and reworked can be reengaged. And goals… are an opportunity to create value on the outside to feel valuable on the inside; or create value on the inside, to have it reflect outwardly as manifestation.
If you want to live out the human condition of goals, effort-based action, opinion and judgment, then stay within illusions of time and boundaries. If you want to live in Divine Essence fields of manifestation, presence-based action, neutrality and openness… discover the realms of timeless, boundless experience. It only requires your Presence.
There is no right or wrong; it is all Experience, experiencing itself.
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