VoiceOvers – AudioBooks (60,000-85,000 Words)


VoiceOver AudioBook Narration by Simran includes clean, articulate files that are recorded, edited, mastered and quality assured based on Audible standards.

This is for books 60,000-85,000 words (Contents Page, Forward, Endnotes and extraneous materials that will not be recorded and should not be included in your word count calculation.)

Upon receiving the PDF, a date of completion will be agreed upon to sync with your desired launch. All files will be provided to you in a timely manner for your platforms setup*.

*Should you desire the added servicing for Simran to handle the Book setup and upload process for Audible, and then submit files for final approval and sale, and… if you desire your book be positioned on both of Simran’s websites, mentioned on 11:11 Talk Radio; along with regular social media postings on Simran’s pages for added marketing, a 20% royalty share is arranged through the Audible setup. Email Simran that you want to add this extra service, and it will be coordinated.
