All YOU Have to do is BELIEVE

All YOU Have to do is BELIEVE…

Within this vast world of categories… the good, bad, alternative, normal, positive and negative, lays the space that is waiting for you just to BELIEVE.

Behind closed eyes, lays true vision  of infinite possibilities from a spectrum of light that knows no ending.

For it is simple and it is true, ‘What you think will become reality for you. What you feel is the fuel, the engine that sparks this magical place of reality creation.’

Allow yorself to dream to know the the vastness of your own being… Allow yourself to move beyond all limitations and glass ceilings.

Today is the day for a new beginning…one that holds the truth of who you are in your heart and being. Be, have, do and create whatever your hearts desire… Knowing, Vision, Thought & Feeling is all that is required.

What if everything you ever wanted was simply one thought away? What if the next moment of your life is the one waiting to explode in joy, abundance, prosperity and love for you? What if the only barrier in this moment was relative to your willingness to allow it into your reality? All you have to do is BELIEVE…Beyond the Illusion!!!

Believe in your soul that endless possibility exists.

Love your life…and the people in it 

Believe in yourself, your ability and even what you cannot see yet.

Believe there is only LOVE and all happens for the highest good..

Start each day with reverence for what is and what shall be.

Never stop the deep exploration of the infinite world that is you…the more you know yourself, the more you shall know the magic of the world..  

Celebrate your imperfections…see the perfection of that.

Let others love you.

Trust them, yourself, and the world to give you exactly what you need.

Allow your inner sun to shine brightly and cast light on the rest of us..

Live, Laugh, Work, Play…Be present in all that you do..

Know that miracles happen every single second…always.


Warmest regards,

Simran Singh

Comments 2

  1. Everything, Everything… is based on WHAT WE BELIEVE…. and streams out,……to form and shape our life from that SYSTEM… our relationships… our “work”… our abundance…etc… It is through the belief system that EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING to “plan”… Use your B.S… consciously… carefully and with the full awareness of what it is CREATING through IT!!!!!!! Atmah Ja

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