Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice desired the full experience of life. Her wish to know love, compassion, kindness, empathy, success, abundance, and prosperity had always seemed like a pipe dream. But now, there was a possibility for it to be real. Before her lay the doorway, a hole that led deep into the ground. It was a tunnel that was mysterious and full of …

Playing Small

DO YOU PLAY SMALL? Do you take chances in your life? Do you explore the fullest potential that you are capable of being? Are you participating in choices that place you first? Does what others think steer your decision making process? Are you doing what is expected or what your heart desires? Could you risk it all for YOU? Would …

Sacred Contract

Life consists of many contracts. Some are conscious and others are unconscious. Some contracts are written on paper while others are verbal agreements. How we honor those contracts is what really matters in the end. How we regard ourselves and those we contract between is the measure of our worth. We keep our contracts safe. There are files, lock boxes, …