Conversations With God

SOURCE, UNIVERSAL POWER, GOD, YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, BABAJI, ALLAH, DIVINE, GREAT MOTHER/FATHER…ALL THAT IS There are many names by which the Source of the universe is called. Special days are observed in remembrance, rites are performed, ceremonies celebrate, and faith unifies all that we are. Although we remember often, and probably speak to even more so…when is it time to listen? …

Lights…Camera…Action redux

Editor’s note: We have re-posted this item in synchrony with the publication Oct. 25 of the November 2006 Jolie. Find it in newsstands and select boutiques and other other retail locations around the Midlands. Have you ever decided to try something that was not in your ordinary comfort zone? Did you consider what pushing beyond your own boundaries might result …


Expectancy…How does the word register with you? Do you seem to always get what you expect? Does the opposite of what you say you want seem to show up? Are your words expressing one desire as your mind quietly whispers something else to you? I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman that stayed with us for a couple of …


What if every single notion you had came true? Think of all of the things that went through your mind today. Were the thoughts positive or negative? Was most of the day spent in a downward dredge or on an uplifting soar? What if we could create magic? I received a call today from a friend up in Maryland. She …


I awoke this morning with the thoughts of a ‘projector’ on my mind. A projector is a little machine that has the ability of taking a small slide or negative and putting that image outside onto something else through the use of light. Then, I started to think about ‘us’…human beings. We are living walking projectors. Each and everyone one …


Redefining Yourself…Who are you? Have you ever thought about who you are? Or, have you just accepted what you were told, what you saw in the mirror, and the image that society thinks you should be? Are you your identity or your personality? Perhaps you are neither… Maybe there is more to you than meets the eye… Have you ever …

Is it a ritual…or a RITUAL?

So much of our lives start out being a subject of awe and amazement and then we fall into a cycle of repeatedly doing it to the point that it becomes ritualistic, with numbness. The regular performance of something becomes boring, bland, and robotic. It leaves a feeling that lacks fulfillment allowing us to believe we are not whole and …