Are You Asking the Right Question?

The universe answers every question that you ask. Most people ask disempowering questions. ‘Why me? What’s wrong? Who’s to blame?’ But, when you begin to ask ‘how and what can I give’, you start to be inwardly taught that you have so much to give.When you begin to grow by being a giver. You tap into the wellspring within you; opportunities open up to give your talents, your ideas, a smile, a blessing… Once you become a giver, the universe responds to you differently. Now, your hands are never empty. You always have something to give.
‘What can I celebrate?’ Often times, people are looking at what they did not accomplish on their to do list, particularly in America. Individuals go to sleep with all they did not accomplish on their mind. It creates psychic debris, causing people to feel tired the next day. Instead, look at ‘What can I celebrate?’. Your energy will begin to reflect the spirit of celebration which brings you into the fundamental harmony of the universe. A blade of grass, a tree, the stars are all celebrating that they are the manifestation of existence itself. When we begin to ask the question, we come into harmony with the celebration that is happening throughout the cosmos.
‘How can I grow?’ We are getting in tune with the progressive nature of the universe that is always unfolding to reveal more and more of its infinite nature. You are inviting great changes into your life so that at the end of every week, month and year, you are a different person. You activate more talents and gifts within you.
The bain of the human experience is that people want to change the world while they remain the same. It can’t be done. We have to grow. If, in fact, we are embracing giving, growing, and celebrating…sincerely and earnestly, we become in tune with the fundamental harmony, we have more to give and are living from a much higher order of being.
Maybe the answer you are looking for lies in the question you are asking.
Reprint from 11:11 Magazine

Comments 3

  1. Hello, its a pleasure to see there are more free thinkers and spiritual minds in this world. I read your blog and have to say I understand fully what you are saying. I’m not religious, I don’t go to church, I have read some of the bible and was born catholic but, I don’t practice or believe in any form of religion. For years ever since I can remember as a young child I have seen 11:11 in time clocks, movies, random days and even on clocks that where not correct. Every time I do I feel something spiritual hitting me. In the past few month my life went down hill financially, my wife is hurt, lost my car, and now about to lose my house. I had a moment of dought, I mean a serious moment of dought. I asked what is the meaning of life and why is this world so screwed up. I got an answer. We as humans have not fully connected with our selves or the earth it self. We put a price on everything nothing is truly for free, not even life. I learned money is a figment of our imagination.. its not real.. we make it real because we are greedy and made it so we have no choice but to do so. If we all truly give to one another we can do all the same things but better with out money. All we need to do is.. let it go. Have unconditional love for one another share, help, and teach each other to live. Remember money didn’t make a car, a house, it also does not feed us… we do. Our imagination got carried away a long time ago and we imagined selfishly. As humans are all born with the natural instinct to take, to price everything, and even kill in the name of God for land or belief. Every day we live the seven deadly sins so to speak.. but think about it and you will see.

  2. Wonderful post, really interesting. In this post ther is really the truth. Of course becoming a great giver is a big challenge, difficult for the majority.

  3. I LOVE this! What a beautiful and inspiration article very well written. It is so true that we often times get overwhelmed and/or distracted by what is really important in life– simply “being” and in that celebrating and giving. We seem to like to complicate those three acts and in doing so we complicate life itself and we loose out on the most precious gifts our soul came here to give and receive.
    Peace and Blessings and may we all take time to celebrate, give and just “be”!

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