When we take the moments to honor the Spirit within and leave our environments, i.e patterns, behaviors, thoughts, tensions, restrictions, limits and confines… we truly give ourselves a chance to breathe. It becomes a full-Being breath. You wanna know why that is? I have discovered, in hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro, skydiving over Hawaii, swimming with sharks in Panama, crossing Copper Canyon in Mexico and especially my deep experience in Machu Picchu, I let go… I rose above my life and could see things I could not see while in it. I realized greater clarity because I was not looking with my eyes, but was connecting through a different Source of vision.

    I did all those trips either alone or not knowing anyone… and I found that the most precise mirrors, images and people ALWAYS appeared to guide me forward. When I chose to go, I was just like you… no time, too much responsibility-how would the world survive without me, not enough money to really do it, but completely worn… knowing I had to do it. I knew that I needed something that was so completely selfish and for me, it was the least I deserved because I always gave myself away to the dreams and needs of others. My dreams and my needs needed a space to be really heard… I had no clue each step would lead me to greater vision and fulfillment of a need. Do you ever take ‘a journey’ embracing uncertainty… but birthing a seed of excitement within to discover the greater unknown? I urge you to…

     I found myself completely filled this weekend. Looking back and looking forward… mostly being present, holding all of time and space as a singular moment. A lot in my life has changed since my trip to Machu Picchu. I went last year with deep intention and devotion. I held and repeated those intentions for months prior to the trip. And before leaving, realized the entire 11 days for me was to be in silence. I wanted to know the most intimate connection of Oneness. I desired to experience what I had always read as ‘Lover & Beloved’… the union of Soul and Spirit, God and Man… Individuality and Connectivity. I could never have imagined how profound and expansive my experience would be.

      The sacred valley of Machu Picchu, the energy of my intent, and longing of my heart in the stillness was the perfect combination for a deep and beautiful journey. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before… life changing… heart expanding… soulfully satisfying. As I sat within the amazing chakra gardens, I felt sensations and vibrations my body never experienced before. Each day I honored the presence I was being given with the earth and sky… those around me… nature and the Divine in its all-encompassing glory.

     So much that I experienced is still beyond words at this time… It was pure Light, sound and feeling. I reached incredible clarity and my life changed quickly and dramatically from having been there. I had called it in. I gave myself the gift of time and space. I chose ME and my own soul evolution above all else because my spirit longed to speak to me and have my full attention. I knew I had to go back and I wanted to share the amazing experience with others really ready to know who they are, by totally communing with the deepest essence of Divinity inside and out. But what would Spirit guide me to facilitate as experience…?

     It began on Thursday, after some deep intentions and prayers in the energy of the New Moon. All weekend, I was downloaded with incredible gifts of inspiration for the planning and guidance of the Machu Picchu 2013 group excursion. I was guided to assist people in having this kind of intimate experience with themselves, their soul and Spirit in a very complete and sensory way… in your bodies, in your hearts… but mostly in a knowing of Oneness. Come play with me in the Chakra Gardens of Eden… the mountains of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley of Peru. I can promise it will be a journey like no other with sacred sites, ceremony, beauty, wisdom, union and communion. Give this to your soul… to your relationship with Spirit and watch you and your world completely change.

 Engage in an ecstatic romance and union between Soul and Divine Being for individuals completely committed and devoted to their expansion and realization. If YOU are ready for this depth, richness, and sacredness, join me and experience massive evolution and involution. Know and trust, the Universe will line up your needs for it. You are setting an intention to be fully held in the arms of Spirit but with a deeper sense of trust than ever before. Register and get the energy in motion.

DETAILS & REGISTRATION: Machu Picchu 2013 – 6/14-6/23 

*** There will be a series of prep calls before this sacred journey along with deepening connections of all participants to hold space for one another’s highest intentions.

In Love, Of Love, With Love & Laughter

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