It's not about what you want… What will you ALLOW…

Your goal in this game of life is to attain the highest peaks, seek out the deepest valleys, bathe in the still and flowing waters. You are meant to soar in the skies, lay deeply in the cold hard earth and dance in the moonlight. You are here to play in the heart, tease the mind and sense the body… But most of all you are here to realize that you have no limitations, no lack, no boundaries, no malady, no nonsense, no sin. The only way to do so is to prove yourself wrong…  

It is never about what is happening to you… It is whether you allow it to affect or EFFECT you! The growing is in how you apply the information you gather and then experience yourself. Remember, you are simply a tourist passing through and visiting the sites/sights. Only pick up the souvenirs you really want to keep…leave the history behind you, for others. No need to carry extra baggage, especially someone else’s. Keep it Light! Have fun in the process, and don’t take any of it too seriously. 

The big questions – ‘Am I attracting the people & experiences I desire? How do I allow others to treat me? What do I think and believe about myself? How am I treating and talking to myself in the same way? Do I want a different experience? How bad does it have to hurt before ‘I’ make a conscious choice to change my experience?’ You have to make a difference in your own life before you can make a difference in others. Don’t ask yourself ‘What do I want?’… This is the wrong question. Instead, how about… ”What am I willing to allow?’ 

When we sit in the energy of wanting, we are really say, I am enjoying this experience of wanting… so please give me more of the same. But when we ask and state what we are ready to allow, the gates open for those things to flow in. We are the creators of our own experiences. Are you closing doors or opening them? Are you shutting things out of your life or are you allowing the door to swing so that new people, experiences and exchanges may flow in and out? 

Set the energy for this new period, fully utilizing the powerful energies of this time.The next few weeks hold a powerful energy for creation to manifest quickly… Close your eyes, breathe, center in your heart and then read the following from deeply in your core… 

‘Today, I release all patterns, behaviors, beliefs, loyalties, addictions, illnesses, covenants, agreements & generational tendencies that no longer serve me. I open myself to initiate the new contracts, agreements, intentions and visions that not only serve me but ripple out to humanity in powerful expanding ways that unite and empower all. I AM Light, Color, Sound and Vibration and my true purpose is to Shine, Illuminate, Harmonize and Rise … I allow the full experience of my brilliance now… So be it and so it is… I am ready to allow what is in my highest pleasure and joy and that is… “

In Love, Of Love, With Love & Laughter…

Simran Singh

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