Get to really know you. Inquire and listen to what your inner being longs for. Hear your lost and forgotten dreams. Be wiling to look at the pain and sadness that rests deeply upon the countenance. Forgive any transgressions, perceived failures or or misconstrued ‘mistakes’, and tenderly bestow love…
The Function of Chaos
The great shadows of families, communities and nations are only an out picturing of what is taking place within each one of us. Individuals are the microcosm of these greater macrocosms. If we do not pay attention to what is being spoken, albeit words – actions – emotions – expression, all foundations and their structures will crumble. This is the …
Are You Listening?
The greatest issue of the world is not violence, hunger, poverty, sickness, addictions, pollution, etc… These are symptoms of the real problem. People are clamoring to be heard. Who is really listening? When we begin to listen, the other issues will disappear.
How do we look at the present issues of pain, hate, war and struggle to understand they are stemming from what we hold inside our very cellular structures? Join me for an enlightening conversation with SHAVASTI as we explore the depths of humanity on the inside in order to effect humanity on the outside…
Are You a Mystic or Visionary… ?
Is it possible that greats such as Rumi, Hafiz, Einstein and Aristotle were not so different from you, but their approach to life’s happenings were? What moves one from being a human or personality, to embodying the Mystic or Visionary?
It Takes a Village…
Have you ever wondered if some wounds should never heal? Where are you with what happened in Charleston SC’s Mother Emmanuel Church?
YOU Are Not Your Identity
Who are you really? Are you 3-Dimensional, 5 Dimensional or ‘beyond’ even these illusions? Are you letting yourself operate out of the dimension of time and space or from the realms where your true power resides? Can you even think outside of your ‘self’?
SIGNIFICANT or Insignificant?
What is so important in your life that you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture? What perspectives are small and constricting; which are large and far reaching? Do you see yourself as SIGNIFICANT, insignificant… or BOTH?
There's ONLY ONE You!
What on earth have you been through? What ground have you risen from? What seed lay within you? How has that sprouted, risen and flowered?…
Inquire and Awaken
Where would you have me go… What would you have me do… And, How? These are powerful questions that sometimes have the simplest of answers. Let me provide some insight from the Universe…