You must meet Trinity!

“Just look into my eyes… You are getting sleepy… You are in a world, within worlds… endless spirals circling…

Happy Thanksgiving… I appreciate you!

I want to take a moment to convey my heartfelt appreciation for our connection. Regardless of what I create, give, do or be… it takes on greater experience and expression when there is a witness… a partner… a co-creator. For every giver,


“Don’t underestimate your capacity to                                        leash or unleash yourself.”


Harvey Weinstein… and some others… have done some pretty terrible things. Those that shoot randomly into a concert or church as well…. those that commit acts of terror… NONE of this should be disregarded and proper actions must be taken. However, there is more we must do individually to support the collective consciousness around shifting the issues underlying all of …

You Have to Know …

 ONE WORLD Despite what we see and hear… whether or not it is real news, fake news or alternative facts… you can create unity, positivity and empowerment and conscious co-creation by anchoring into the truth of being one family… one world… one body and being created from that which was Divine. Read and Download this month’s Online Digital 11:11 Issue …


The Brand New issue of 11:11 is here… ONE WORLD is the theme! ONE WORLD – SEPTEMBER 2017 This month’s 11:11 is a powerful piece addressing where we are and where we are going… in terms of…