Often events in our lives cause us to question who we have been. In many instances, they come forward as a challenge, conflict, or or sadness. Moments of reflection can create questions as to the meaning of life and the difficulty “that” sometimes entails. In each situation, however, these moments are not to have us question who we have been, …


     The breath is the guage of my beingness. It is the peace within me. My consciousness of breath creates peace. The steadiness with which I intake air is the level of peace I allow in my life. I breathe in peace…I breathe out anything unlike peace. I am peace because PEACE BEGINS WITH ME.

"The true object of human life is play." – G.K. Chesterton

     There is an old indian saying, “chew your food so that it becomes like water and drink your water so slowly that you chews like food”. Although most people would regard this little verse to be about relates to how we live life.

What is your prayer?

     Life is meant to have times of ease and times of and times of less ease. In those moments that you might find challenging, what do you do? How do you react? How do you support yourself?

"I learn by going where I have to go to." -Theodore Roethke

“I learn by going where I have to go to.” -Theodore Roethke What is stopping you from living the life you desire, participating in the adventure you dream of, pursuing the song in your heart? What are you waiting for?…The right time? The right amount of knowledge? The right circumstances? A signal from the Universe?


I AM THE LIGHT. I am a new day dawning. I am the first kiss of morning air. I am the breath of inhalation and exhalation. I am…

Money or Passion…Can you have both?

“Never desert your own line of talent. Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed.”                 – Sydney Smith

"I accept!"

Are you ready to receive the good in your life? Are you open to actually having abundance and prosperity? Are you willing to live in that space? Can you take in what is your divine right  as a human and spiritual being? Can YOU…with full mind, body, and spirit say…”I accept!”


How my world expresses itself is reflected in the way I choose to receive it. My senses are just a part of the dance…it is movement of the spirit, song of the heart, and staccato of the mind; so much more than the playground of the senses. Through touch, smell, sight and taste, I can experience so much. But it is beyond the eyes and ears…for that I …