Have you ever just known… There is another way. Do you believe in infinity, the concept of giving and receiving, serving and being served? How deeply committed are you to others; to yourself?
Sweet Surrender-In… (Part 2)
“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.” (-Roman Payne)
Sweet Surrender…
Imagine being free and wild… a wanderer or wanderess. Image living in the spirit of adventure and ecstasy… in constant creativity and passion. Imagine no borders or rules… no cares or can’ts… no fight and no fear…
What You Think Doesn't Matter
Your doing doesn’t create the new, Presence does. Your thinking doesn’t change things; imagination does…
What Happens When You See An Old Friend?
It’s not the time you have with others that matters; it’s the quality of yourself, and presence, that you give to them…
Have You Shaken Things Up Enough?
Each life is like a magic snow globe. When we realize the clear boundary of guardedness we create, a true connection to friends, family & lovers can open…
How are Your Eyes?
Duality is seeing through two eyes; one perceives darkness, one perceives Light. The 3rd eye is ‘thine eye be single’; recognizing all as One Divine Being…
For the GIVING… For the TAKING
What is the true meaning of ‘Giving’? Are we clear when we are ‘Taking’? How slyly are we utilizing the energy of ‘Giving’ for the ‘Taking’? How often are we just there for the TAKING?
Awakening to More…
On one side, there is ‘dark of night’… On the other, is the dawning of new Light… In the middle, one can see a distinct line demarcating the two, yet they both exist simultaneously to create the full picture. What is missing? Necessary? Or being called for?
Self Care… As Care of the Soul
Most do not realize that our degree of self-care and self-love manifests as a reflection from the outside world and its interactions. How others treat us is how we treat ourselves. In understanding that, we can approach life from the viewpoint, ‘I am the only one here, and everything outside of me is showing up to reveal more of me …