So you want to know what the journey to Machu Picchu is all about…
The Higher Self Knows
Have you ever considered what your Higher Self might want to say to you?
Expand the Heart – Broaden the Mind
I wanted to bring a special message to you on this Valentine’s week… it may seem an odd topic to write about at this time, but it is because there is a grander picture we all must understand in the name of Love… Can you expand your heart and broaden your mind?
What are you DEVOTED to?
Who am ‘I’? Why am ‘I’ here? We ask this question because we know we are larger than we are being. There is an inherent knowing of this… Evident in the capital ‘I’.
When we take the moments to honor the Spirit within and leave our environments, i.e patterns, behaviors, thoughts, tensions, restrictions, limits and confines… we truly give ourselves a chance to breathe. It becomes a full-Being breath. You wanna know why that is? I have discovered, in hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro, skydiving over Hawaii, swimming with sharks in Panama, crossing Copper …
Lighten Up Already!
Okay… I am coming out of the closet! Well, actually it has to be there for one to come out of the closet and I am not quite sure where to find it… but I am willing to look. I am willing to dig really, really, really deep… because I have to! Surely it is in here somewhere.
Be Bold & Fearless
We are coming upon an incredible new moon… one ripe for your intentions and dreams to be placed within. Be Bold… Be Fearless…
Truly Giving… & Receiving – Happy Holidays
During this blessed and holy time, I wish to express my wishes of abundance, love, health and connection to you and yours. I honor the beauty of who you are… the heart that you hold and the infinite possibility that rests within. In these moments where family and friends unite, our hearts can be opened in an even greater way …
WHY?… YOU are the WHY
In the moments of great loss, senseless tragedy and unexplainable events, this question hangs everywhere. However, I ask you very humbly to take a moment, in honor of all of the lives lost, to broaden your perspective. This may be a stretch for you in terms of perspective, but consider it. If it helps to bring peace, take it in… …
THIS is THE MOMENT! It is YOUR MOMENT! Today is MOMENT US! On this day, you are given a gift to truly KNOW – SEE – ACKNOWLEDGE – EXPRESS – AWAKEN to whom YOU really are. It is not airy fairy… This is not magical thinking… Nor made up. It is the truth of YOU. There are too many that are awakening to the truth… …